Installation view  |  Gartenatelier  |   Academy of fine arts Munich  |   December 2022


  • art exhibition installation view of a room with light brown wooded floor and bright window in the center back. On the white walls on the left and right there are six delicate white handmade paper art works with a black wire line structure
  • white wall with three delicate white paper artworks on the wall. Some black wire lines are attached to the handmade white paper artworks on the wall. Light brown wooden floor on the bottom of the image
  • white wall with three delicate white paper artworks on the wall. Some black wire lines are attached to the handmade white paper artworks on the wall. Light brown wooden floor on the bottom of the image

| -_ | handmade paper and wire on wood | 85 x 36 x 28 cm | 2022

  • a black piece off wood with a transparent handmade paper over it is hanging off a white wall with three black wire lines hanging from the black wood
  • black piece of wood hanging off a white wall. A piece of white handmade paper is attached to the wood together with two long black wire lines running through the image
  • a black wire line running across a white wall with a piece of black wood in the top right corner
  • two black pieces of wood on a white wall. Three black thin wire lines grow out of them into a light room which has a wooden light brown floor. Two pieces of transparent handmade papers hang off the wood on the wall

__ | handmade paper and thread on wood | 32,5 x 5 x 36 cm | 2022

  • a dark brown wooden board hanging off a white wall. Three steel nails attached on the wood with a white handmade paper
  • a dark brown wooden board hanging off a white wall. Three steel nails attached on the wood with a white handmade paper
  • a dark brown wooden board hanging off a white wall. Three steel nails attached on the wood with a white handmade paper. Three bright white lines are running vertically down the image
  • a piece of dark brown wood hanging off a white wall. A white handmade paper hangs over the wood as well as some white strings

-.–.- | handmade paper and wire on wood | 44 x 36 x 9 cm | 2022

  • a black piece off wood with a transparent handmade paper over it is haning off a white wall
  • side view of a black piece of wood on the wall. Attached to it a transparent piece of handmade paper which is punched through a small black nail which sits in the black wood
  • black wood on a white wall together with a transparent handmade piece of paper hanging off the wall

I I I I I I | wire in handmade paper | 64 x 52 x 24 cm | 2022

  • six black nails coming off a white wall together with six bended black wire lines ending in a piece of white handmade paper on a white wall
  • six black nails coming off a white wall together with six bended black wire lines ending in a piece of white handmade paper on a white wall
  • five black wire lines running though the image, clear as well as blurry lines. They are attached to a handmade white paper on the white wall
  • six black nails in a white wall. Blurry black lines are attached to the nails in the wall

|I | wire in handmade paper | 89 x 34 x 12 cm | 2022

  • two black wire lines running across a bended white handmade paper off a white wall
  • two black wire lines running across a bended white handmade paper off a white wall
  • two black wire lines on a white wall
  • a black wire line is wrapped around a black nail which comes off a white wall

I I | wire in handmade paper | 44 x 157 x 4 cm | 2022

  • two handmade white papers installed on a white wall with eight black wire lines running across them, attached to nails in the wall
  • two handmade white papers installed on a white wall with eight black wire lines running across them, attached to nails in the wall
  • eight black wire lines wrapped around nailheads placed in a white handmade paper installation on white wall
  • eight black wire lines wrapped around nailheads

Photo credits: Yegyu Shin